For those that have read or will go back and read my concern that we have already past a major climate tipping point, this last month there has been a flurry of articles about how fast the Arctic is warming. One thing we have seen from climate scientist over the last few years is the admission (supported by data) that the earth is warming much faster than earlier models projected. Climate science is very complex, so it is understandable that as we learn more, the models have to be updated by hard data.
I have mentioned previously and most of us know about the fires in California, Oregon and Washington in 2020 attributed to climate change driven drought extending fire season plus fueled by trees killed from beetle infestation, etc… These fires totaled over 6 million acres, releasing huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. What is less known, is that 74 million acres has burned in Siberia this year, again, attributed to a warming tundra and forests from climate change.
So here are some links to articles you might read. The first from November 2020 offers that we have past the tipping point on Arctic warming (which I believe to be the case and have said so previously) and then another which says we are not there yet but on the way if we don’t reduce emissions quickly. All this to say, that which ever you might believe, there is no time to lose in getting ready for the changes ahead.