Tipping Points and Cumulative Vulnerability

For those of you who have read my earlier blogs, you know I have mentioned tipping points (permafrost melting) and cumulative vulnerability (sometimes referred to as the sh*t hitting the fan).  Well, another new study has come out (https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/a-major-ocean-current-may-be-hurtling-towards-collapse/ar-BB1dWPCc?li=BBnb7Kz) that talks about the cold water circulation conveyer belt (AMOC) that regulates temperatures in the northern … Read more

Texas Weather – what we can learn

As I suspect everyone knows now, Texas has been enduring a disastrous weather event that has caused huge power, gas and water failures impacting up to 14 million people.  With a very high probability, this is due to human induced climate change that has caused warm air from the Asia Pacific area to move up … Read more

Bill Gates 60 Minutes Interview

Bill Gates was interviewed on 60 Minutes this week and I would recommend everyone watch on this link: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/bill-gates-climate-change-60-minutes-2021-02-14/ Basically, he validated everything I have been saying about how big a problem we are facing and how challenging it will be to get everyone on board to make the changes needed to deal with climate … Read more

Good news Bad news

Well, things are moving along.  Good news is that electric car sales last year were 3% of all new vehicle sales and this is a new high.  Also, many, if not most, car manufacturers are getting more aggressive about pulling in the end of gas powered vehicle manufacturing before 2040 and in many cases targeting … Read more

Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds before apocalypse

“The pandemic revealed just how unprepared and unwilling countries and the international system are to handle global emergencies properly,” scientists said in a statement. “In this time of genuine crisis, governments too often abdicated responsibility, ignored scientific advice, did not cooperate or communicate effectively, and consequently failed to protect the health and welfare of their … Read more

Getting back to where we were pre-Trump

In today’s news below, Biden Administration is starting to undo the damage from Trump and with climate change impact from the last 4 yrs have been seen, there is a bit more willingness to get to work on carbon emission reduction.  That said, those who oppose or want to maintain the status quo are also … Read more

KISS (no, not the band)

I am a big fan of the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) for dealing with complex problems.  Climate Change is certainly one of those and it is very easy to get lost in the details.  Simply stated, Climate Change is going to affect every living thing on the planet, it is here and it … Read more

Just a friendly reminder

FINALLY!  Trump is out of office and the Biden Administration is rolling up its sleeves and getting to work on Covid, vaccines, economic support and a million other challenges, not the least of which is Climate Change.  But wait a minute, that is a long and urgent list and many of us just want to … Read more

What a day!

1-6-21, What a day today is!  While we all waited to hear the outcome of the Georgia Senate runoffs, Trump’s army stormed the US Capital and stopped the proceedings of Congress.  Wow!  Taking freedom of speech to insurrection at his urging. What a sore loser!!  So glad that we only have 14 more days of … Read more

Bye 2020 – what a bummer you have been

First of all, thanks to anyone who has been reading this blog site and put up with my ranting and raving about climate change!  Second, my apologies for what appears to be such a negative outlook, but sometimes reality sucks and I just want people to spend a bit more time thinking about what is … Read more