A case of not ‘if’ but ‘when’

Every week I read more articles that talk about drought, heat waves, stronger storms and as I have pointed out in earlier posts, the science is very clear that even if we went to zero emissions tomorrow, the warming of the atmosphere would continue for another 10 yrs before slowing down.  This assumes it is … Read more

And the Heat goes on

Well, it is over 100 degs outside and the Western US is enduring a heat wave.  It is expected that 300 local heat records will be broken today west of the Mississippi.  Lake Mead, which supplies Las Vegas with water is at 34% of capacity and Nevada and Arizona are now on strict water rationing.  … Read more

Drip, drip, drip

Been awhile since my last post and not because there has not been almost daily articles about accelerating melting of permafrost, Greenland and Antarctica’s ice.  No, I have been busy working on my Washington project and getting ready to spend more time up there. I decided that since the project’s timing is such that we … Read more

Good news, Bad news (again)

The Good News: (Biden pledges to reduce US emissions by 52% by 2030) President Biden’s new pledge to slash America’s greenhouse gas emissions over the coming decade is long on ambition and short on specifics, but experts say that success would require rapid and sweeping changes to virtually every corner of the nation’s economy, transforming the way … Read more


Last November, I mentioned that it looked like we were in trouble in regards to a high pressure area that was sitting off the coast of California, pushing all the moisture up to Washington State.  Well, it looks like this continued to be the case and as we end the traditional ‘wet’ season, the west/southwest … Read more

Do I feel lucky?

Not to age myself, but there was a movie called Dirty Harry, where Clint Eastwood is a cop who just took down a bunch of bad guys and there is one left who might be desperate enough to see if Clint has one bullet left in his gun and he asks if the guy wants … Read more

Energy Storage – the achilles heel of renewables

I am sure you have all read about how when the sun doesn’t shine or wind stops blowing, that the biggest challenge for a clean renewables based energy grid is storage.  This is, as the title of this blog indicates, the achilles heel of clean energy.  Well, I recently came across a technology that meets … Read more

Some good news today

Europe Leads the Way as Electric Vehicle Revolution Is Underway Around the World Manuel Moerbach  2 hrs ago   Plans for a new electric vehicle revolution over the coming decade are already in full force across many of the major economies in the world. New data shows how Europe is currently leading the transition in replacing … Read more

How to boil a frog

Urban myth has it that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will instantly leap out. But if you put it in a pot filled with pleasantly tepid water and gradually heat it, the frog will remain in the water until it boils to death. Allegedly, the frog is not … Read more